Deliver to anywhere in the country within a minimum of 24 hours, depending on the destination, contents and time of dispatch.
4M delivery
Over 300,000 deliveries per month with NEXT DAY service in 2022 only!
of parcels arrive on time.
Deliver NEXT DAY anywhere in the country and we guarantee quick delivery of your shipments.
Deliver to anywhere in the country within a minimum of 24 hours, depending on the destination, contents and time of dispatch.
Complete tracking of shipments
With a single click, you can track your shipment using the eAWB app.
Delivery of oversized oversized packages
Secure shipment and delivery of extra large products.
Delivery interval
From Monday to Friday, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Viber and SMS notification
Before the delivery of the parcel.
Customise the NEXT DAY service according to your needs
Right at the courier.
Transferring cash collected during delivery to a collection account..
Insure your shipments against the risk of damage or loss.
In the event that the recipient cannot be found at the specified address.
Register online using the onboarding platform and start sending parcels!